Conventional waste water treatment plants

Limitations on the discharge of liquid effluents differ to a great extent from one location to the other, also within the same Country.

However wisely may water be used in an anodizing plant there will always still be considerable amounts to treat before discharge in the environment.

At Cisart we are very sensitive on this issue and supply plants engineered on local discharge limits.

conventional waste water treatment plants

Chemical-physical discharge system

``Zero liquids discharge`` waste water treatment plants
zero liquids discharge waste water treatment plants
zld waste water treatment plants

Water Saving Plant realized with SINERGIA CIE/CISART in TALEX

“Zero liquids discharge” (ZLD) is a very strict limitation which sometimes prevents the installation of anodizing plants in locations where water is scarce or expensive.

The careful usage of water on the anodizing line together with the application of an effluent treatment plant engineered to produce solids only and very small amounts of highly concentrated wastes is the answer to this issue allowing as much as close to 90% reuse of the fresh water supplied to the production plant.

All this without needing to buy very expensive treatment chemicals which have the only effect of enlarging the quantity of solids in need of disposal.

Aluminum painting up to 98% through water recovery.
Aluminum oxidation from 50% up to 95% through water recovery.

Dies pickling plant

Solidified metal needs removal from the dies after use in aluminium extrusion lines. This is done in process tanks containing a hot highly concentratedcaustic sodasolution underfumes suction and scrubbing in plants appropriatelyengineered by Cisart for 24 hrs/day operation.
After use,instead of disposing of the resulting low caustic soda solution rich in aluminium an additional free of charge reuse can be found in etching tanks operating at close by anodizing plants.

dies pickling plant
Acid recovery system
acid recovery system

Acid Recovery System with its own individual electrical panel and operator touch screen pad for keying in the necessary information and reading the process status.

Acid recovery system is the valid solution because beside reducing the costs, it find their best use in large automated plants by keeping the chemical parameters constant in all anodizing tanks at the same time, especially when operating 24hrs/day.

The system runs automatically on specific retardation resins easily regenerated with tap water.

It comes preassembled on a steel frame for self on site installation.

Anodizing Rectifier & Electrocolouring power suppliers

Rectifier and electrocolouring power suppliers available on the market from reputable producers with a reliable worldwide after sales service are used at Cisart’s offering the best solution in the market.

electrocolouring power suppliers

Machine room with rectifiers and electrocolouring power suppliers.

Chillers & cooling devices

We use only high efficiency air cooled chillers from world known brands with quality after sales services.

Individual skid mounted cooling units engineered and pre- assembled at our factory keep the working solutions at the requested temperature with a tolerance as narrow as ±0,5°C

Bridge cranes

Besides speed and efficiency, a most important requisite of our bridge cranes is their accuracy. When at destination loads are dropped each time exactly in the tank’s middle with a few millimetres tolerance only and without shaking, to prevent the jigged profiles from touching the tank walls and eventually fall off.Fast operating bridge cranes in a vertical anodizing line

vertical anodizing line

Bridge cranes for anodizing plants should be fast, safe and accurate. They are amongst the most significative equipment in an automated plant.

bridge cranes for anodizing plants
Full plant automation
tanks line and of the moving bridge cranes

A screen view of the tanks line and of the moving bridge cranes

anodising plant

Full automation means that loading/unloading the racks and keying in which reference recipe to follow for each load are the only manual operations left.

From the moment a rack leaves its loading station till the time it is dropped back into the unloading area, automation takes over and moves it through the tanks in the most efficient way so that overall plant productivity is maximized and that dead times in between tank occupancy is minimized.

The actual location of any bridge crane or of any specific rack, as well as all the process parameters in any tank, show at all times on the computer screen in the control room.

All equipment associated with the automation system exchange data with the main computer which stores them for future reference on each load run through the plant.

Productivity records, performance charts, equipment efficiency and energy usage are just a few of the many records available from the system.

Automated chemicals dosing system

Quality consistence of the produced anodic layer relies very much on how the chemicals needed to run the process are dosed into the tanks.

Most chemicals suppliers provide a usage of their products per square meter of processed material.

Based on such information our dosing system keeps all chemicals within the expected optimal range

automated chemicals dosing system
cisart chemicals dosing system
cisart dosing system
Fumes suction and purification plants

Many fumes develop from an anodizing plant, some of which both highly corrosive and dangerous for the human beings, especially when a chemical polishing tanks is included in the line. Collected fumes are channelled to washing towers for purification before release into the atmosphere according to local regulations

fumes suction and purification plants
chemical polishing

Fumes are captured both at the tank tops and from the tops of the cabined bridge cranes operating in the area

On request, warm tanks are fitted with movable lids which open only under cabined bridge cranes to allow passage of a jig load


Custom made alumium and/or titanium jigs and disks, G clamps and pliers, hollow and solid spheres for sealing tanks, aluminum wire, PE films, etc.


Catalytic process for caustic soda recovering by spent Die Cleaning Solutions.