Aluminium Treatment
Finishing and Sublimation

Anodizing plants
Each plant is carefully designed on a customer specified productivity, keeping in due consideration that when it will be operativenot only should it be profitable but…

Painting Plants
Ever careful in using expensive floor space to nits best, Cisart first developed small sized painting lines, nowadays known as “COMPACT”, specifically developed …

Equipments and Accessories
Individual equipment and machinery for all the systems supplied (rectifiers, refrigerators, cooling systems, spray booths and guns, etc.) Complete analysis laboratories…
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Years of Experience
Green company
Significant references
Customer satisfaction
Our green
A green company claims to act in a way which minimizes damage to the environment. As global warming continues apace and becomes an increasingly prevalent topic amongst world governments, many companies are doing their part to become environmentally more responsible or “green”.

Customer satisfaction
is our goal
At Cisart we supply aluminium surface treatment plants, according to all major international standards, developed and designed on the following technologies.
– Architectural sulphuric acid anodizing